Top 100 startups in Denmark: Our September report is live.

Site Score™

How do we calculate a site's score? Here is a complete overview.

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Is the site trustworthy?

To determine whether a site is trustworthy, we look at a number of different parameters. Here is a selection of some of the most determining factors.

  • Reviews from different sites.
  • Inbound and outbound backlinks and quality.
  • Positions in Google's search results.
  • Quality of content.
  • Up-to-date content.


Is the site popular?

To see if a site is popular, we look at social media accounts, and, we value positive interactions with content especially high.

  • Reviews and users' voice.
  • Number of interactions with content.
  • Comments and shares of content.
  • Quality of content.
  • How often new content is posted.


Does the site have reach?

To determine a site's reach, we look at their history, development and the number of people in their audience - as well as the no. of visitors to the site.

  • Number of website visitors.
  • Followers on Facebook.
  • Followers on Instagram.
  • Followers on LinkedIn.
  • Historical development and viral trend.